
Hi, I'm Kaki!

14 things about living healthfully I’ve learned from life in Japan

Published over 1 year ago • 2 min read

Dear Reader,

Thank you all for the well wishes last week 🥹 They made me feel so warm inside and thankfully, I am doing much better now.

But I’m taking it easy, not exercising so much and being mindful of my own energy levels so I don’t tire myself into fatigue. Going on pleasant walks, spending lots of time on the couch, and lots of time reflecting.

As part of my reflecting, I’ve been thinking about my own journey thus far. Not just my most cherished memories, but the lessons I’ve learned along the way and the the ways in which I’ve changed because of them.

Of course, personal health is a big part of that. There are few things in life that impact our wellbeing as much as our own health.

What makes living in Japan different?

I’ve lived in the US, and I’ve lived in Japan. I’ve lived in modest suburban communities, and I’ve lived in the biggest city in the world. The privilege of living in different parts of the world has shown me that the science between health, nutrition, and fitness doesn’t change no matter where you live.

Japan may enjoy radically lower obesity rates and longer longevity than some of their western counterparts, but the people are not somehow genetically special or naturally more disciplined human beings— humans are not so different from each other.

The difference really comes down to our understanding of how to live and our values around health. Because sometimes a different perspective can be the difference between an effortless healthy lifestyle, and constantly being on a stressful diet.

Life in Japan showed me that.

14 things about living healthfully I’ve learned from life in Japan

1. Balance over perfection. A low-fat, low-carb, sugar-free diet of boiled vegetables and steamed chicken breast is no way to live— you can eat whatever you want and be okay.

2. Just enjoy it in moderation. No need to “go big or go home”.

3. Unless it’s the holidays. The value of enjoying time with your loved ones is much greater than the value of calories saved.

4. Movement is a gift and pleasure of life. It is not a punishment for eating. Feel free to treat it as such.

5. Yes, that means if walking gives you pleasure, it is valid and valuable exercise. You don’t need to equate exhaustion with effectiveness.

6. Practice gratitude with food. It helps shift your focus away from food anxiety and toward confidence and calm.

7. A part of that practice may be taking the time to plate food beautifully. We slow down and savor food we appreciate. No need to count your chews.

8. White rice (or any refined carbohydrates in general) will not hurt you. See #2.

9. When you equate calorie-dense foods as “treats”, you prime yourself to see indulgence through the lens of caloric value.

10. But indulgence can be seasonality, quality, or novelty of a flavor. Redefined, indulging in delicious foods is not a health concern.

11. Some of my favorites are perfectly ripened fruit, fresh-caught seafood, or warm homemade pastries sold at a local farmer’s market.

12. Remind yourself why you want to be healthy in the first place. You want to be happy, confident, and empowered. Not to fit in a certain jean size.

13. Enjoy food. It’s not just fuel, but it’s a reflection of our values, identity, and joys. Treat it holistically as it holistically influences you.

14. Above all, treat yourself with care, grace, and kindness. We heal and grow when we’re nurtured, not punished.

I hope you’re enjoying the holiday season this December! Spend time with loved ones, express gratitude, take time for yourself, and relax 😊

Warm regards,


Thanks for reading!

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Hi, I'm Kaki!

I teach about health inspired by simple Japanese philosophies and lifestyle practices, so you can learn to find peace, fulfillment, strength, and health in your own body. Sign up for my newsletter to receive all my writing and exclusive resources!

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