
Hi, I'm Kaki!

What can the rest of the world learn from Japanese food culture?

Published about 2 months ago • 2 min read

Dear Reader,

The menu is a wooden board hanging out in front of the restaurant, with just three options scrawled in black marker:

a) Seared tuna donburi
b) Minced toro with grated yam donburi
c) Grilled salmon teishoku

As I stood there thinking about what I wanted to order, I noticed there were crates and boxes still stacked in front. I peered inside to find a load of daikon, yams, and empty styrofoam boxes that still smelled slightly of seafood.

“Did you go to the Toyosu fish market for these?”

“Yes ma’am! Just this morning!” the owner replied from inside.

For less than ¥1000, or about $10, there is not a better deal on the planet. The restaurants in Japan never cease to amaze me with their quality of food.

It’s quite common for restaurants in Japan to operate on this business model. Rather than several pages of options, the menu is dependent on whatever is sold at market that day and consists of only a few daily specials.

A fresh shipping of tomatoes and cucumbers? That’s the side dish of the day.

A load of yellowtail came in this morning? Let’s make a donburi teishoku out of it.

The ingredients available lead the menu of the day, rather than the menu items dictating what needs to be bought at market. To be seasonally based is not a trend: It’s the foundation.

The Japanese restaurant philosophy

Many restaurants today, especially large chains and big restaurant groups, focus on developing a long and multifarious menu first.

Look at the menu for places like the Cheesecake Factory or Olive Garden, and it’s clear to see that their priority is a multitude of options that are available year-round rather than seasonality. A long list of 10 different kinds of pasta and pizza, or a menu serving both dim sum, sushi, ramen, and rice bowls.

Looking at the business model of a Japanese restaurant chain called Shinkichi, they reverse their focus: ingredients first, menu second.

While they have several different locations, each location constructs its own menu, with the staff trained to go out to market every morning to select the best ingredients.

What is a salmon teriyaki menu item one day might use yellowtail the next, and what is a side dish of spinach ohitashi one day might be restyled to use mizuna leaves instead.

Following general guidelines on the restaurant’s branding and seasoning style, they first refer to their ingredients and then decide on a few things to cook that day.

Keep it simple and focus on quality

The dining landscape in Japan is changing, but what many restaurants still continue to do right is focusing on just a few things to cook every day, and making the best use of what’s at market that morning.

By using what’s local and in season, the natural sweet or savory flavor of the produce and ingredients can come forward without having to be covered up in tons of oil, sugar, or salt. People can eat better, consume sustainably, and enjoy the freshest ingredients available to them.

Anyways, I think I’ll have the seared tuna donburi.



📣 Make Sales as a Creative – Getting Your Book Published

I was recently on a podcast with the wonderful and talented Chardét, founder of the online community for aspiring entrepreneurs, Her First 3 Years.

In the episode we covered:

  • The reality behind publishing your first book
  • Finding the right niche
  • Balancing trends vs. authenticity to grow your audience
  • Managing self-doubt, criticism and feedback

For those who are looking to get your writing out there, or in general want to understand how to position your creative work and find your audience, I hope the podcast interview gives you some interesting insights and lessons 😊

Other places to listen:

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Hi, I'm Kaki!

I teach about health inspired by simple Japanese philosophies and lifestyle practices, so you can learn to find peace, fulfillment, strength, and health in your own body. Sign up for my newsletter to receive all my writing and exclusive resources!

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